CPU! LIVE! – DC Television Universe (DCTU) Series, Episode 23, “Crisis on Infinite Earths” Review and Recap (MAJOR SPOILERS)

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A new podcast episode of Couch Potatoes Unite!, which is based on a blog of the same name hosted at couchpotatoesunite.wordpress.com. In this episode, recorded LIVE via Zoom on FACEBOOK in April 2020, our panel of comic book and superhero enthusiasts – including moderator Kylie, Kristen, Nick, Hilary, Kyle, and Spencer – reconvenes Around the (Virual and Quarantined) Water Cooler for a special, live streamed presentation of the twenty-third episode of our DCTU ongoing series. After specially requesting a separate recording to discuss the five episode mega-crossover Arrowverse event “Crisis on Infinite Earths,” our panel herein provides their review and recap of the 2019-2020 blending of casts from the CW series Arrow, The Flash, DC’s Legends of Tomorrow, Supergirl, and Batwoman. If you have not watched any of the DCTU/Arrowverse through “Crisis on Infinite Earths,” be aware that there are MAJOR SPOILERS! Tell us what you think, and/or if there are other shows you’re interested in CPU! covering, below; email us at couchpotatoesunitepodcast@gmail.com; or check out our Guestbook at the website, our Facebook page, our Twitter (@cpupodcast), or our Instagram (@couchpotatoesunite).  Until next time, until next episode…buh bye!

PS: The contest mentioned in the live recording was only in effect during the live stream. A winner has been selected, and the contest is closed.

PSS: In addition, this audio episode has only been *lightly edited* to streamline for time; since the episode was live, (most of) our bugaboos were left in tact. There’s nothing like spontaneity, after all, and the show must go on!

Executive Producer/Chief Couch Potato: Kylie C. Piette
Associate Producers: Krista Pennington and Selene Rezmer

Editor: Kylie C. Piette
Logo: Rebecca Wallace
Marketing Graphic Artist: Krista Pennington

Theme Song: 
Written by: Sarah Milbratz
Singers: Sarah Milbratz, Amy McDaniel, Kels Rezmer
Keyboard: Kels Rezmer
Bass: Ian McDonough
Guitar: Christian Somerville
Engineer/Production: Kyle Aspinall/Christian Somerville

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