The Charmed Series, Episode Two: Charmed, 2018 – Season 1 + Charmed, 1998, Vs. Charmed, 2018 (MAJOR SPOILERS)

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A new podcast episode of Couch Potatoes Unite!, which is based on a blog of the same name hosted at In this episode, our magical panel of TV-watching witches and warlocks – moderator Chief Couch Potato Kylie, Sarah, Jeremy, Jessica, and Michael (DA) – reconvenes Around the Water Cooler to continue a new, ongoing CPU! panel, one in which we are Looking Back to Look Forward at all shows named Charmed.  This is the second part of an ongoing CPU! podcast series examining the various iterations of the Power of Three; this episode begins ongoing “Water Cooler” coverage of the reboot CW series and discusses Season 1 of Charmed 2018 as well as compares both versions of Charmed in one of CPU!’s spicy “Vs.” debates. This particular episode was recorded in May 2020, and, as always, if you haven’t seen any of either version of Charmed, be aware that there are MAJOR SPOILERS! Tell us what you think, and/or if there are other shows you’re interested in CPU! covering, below; email us at; or check out our Guestbook at the website, our Facebook page, our Twitter (@cpupodcast), or our Instagram (@couchpotatoesunite). Until next time, until next episode…buh bye!

Executive Producer/Chief Couch Potato: Kylie C. Piette
Associate Producers: Krista Pennington and Selene Rezmer

Editor: Kylie C. Piette
Logo: Rebecca Wallace
Marketing Graphic Artist: Krista Pennington

Theme Song:
Written by: Sarah Milbratz
Singers: Sarah Milbratz, Amy McDaniel, Kels Rezmer
Keyboard: Kels Rezmer
Bass: Ian McDonough
Guitar: Christian Somerville
Engineer/Production: Kyle Aspinall/Christian Somerville

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